Cross-university system for non-NYCU student

113學年度第1學期(2024 Fall Semester)

(The system is only for general semester, and the summer course taking is at summer course registration system)

If you are a first user in this year, please input your basic information.

(Please select your university)
(Please input your student ID of your university)

(請填阿拉伯數字Please input Arabic numerals)
僑生或外籍生請輸入居留證(ARC Number)
(Phone number)
ex:0912345678 or 03-1234567

本學期已註冊 I have regisetered this semester.

     「陽明校區」02-2826-7000 分機62038-62039。
     「交大校區」03-571-2121 分機 50422。

Note1: Non-NYCU student who would like to select NYCU course.
     (1)Please submit the application within the announced timeline (adding or dropping courses has to be
          completed within the earlier deadline of two universities.)
     (2)Register at Cross-university system for non-NYCU student (please enter your basic information first.)
     (3)Fill out the paper application form at your university (please put your assigned student ID you got from
          the Cross-university system for non-NYCU student on the top right corner.)
     (4)Universities that are reciprocated : NTHU, NCU, NCCU, TNUA(40% off)。CHU ( with ”Chiao Tung Campus” )
          Universities that are reciprocated with ”Chiao Tung Campus”: NTHU, NCU, CHU, NCCU
          Please follow the application procedure of the campus you intend to go, universities that are
          reciprocated with NYCU (except for TNUA) could skip the Cashier Division.
Note2 : The system will assign you a student id and passwords when you log in to the system. Please
              remember your login information. The account will expire after
              one semester, you will need to register again next semester.
Note3 : 1-3 hours after the application procedure is complete, you may log in to E3 platform
              (Press “Off-campus user forgotten passwords” when you log in for the first time)
Note4 : You may go to the Curriculum Division you tend to go for any further assistance.
              Yang-Ming Campus: 02-2826-7000 #62038-62039
              Chiao Tung Campus: 03-571-2121 #50422
              If you encounter any problem using E3 platform, please contact Division of Teaching Resources
              Yang-Ming Campus:02-28267000#62101
              Chiao Tung Campus:03-5712121 #31433